
Showing posts with the label Health

Boil 6 Alligator Pepper and 4 Ginger For 15 Minutes To Treat These Diseases

Alligator pepper has a lot of names, they include grains of paradise, "Atare" in Yoruba, "chitta" Hausa, or Guinea pepper, its seed is good for individuals with diabetes, they also find it very good in ensuring the regulation of their blood sugar, this in turn protects them from complications that arise due to diabetes such as blindness and limb amputation. Natural gifts like Allegations pepper and ginger are necessary for our health and i know most of you here can validate this. So for the purpose of this lecture i will be schooling us on how to treat some diseases by boiling 6 Alligator Pepper and 4 Ginger for 15 minutes. Preparation Get 6 Alligator pepper and 4 garlic, cut them to tiny bits and put in a pot of about 2 cups of water, then boil this for 15 minutes. After boiling, bring it down, leave to cool, then put it in a container and you can store in the fridge . Dosage Take 1 cup twice daily. Health benefits. it lowers blood sugar. It is an aphrodisiacs, wor

Mix Honey and Coconut Water then Drink Daily on an Empty Stomach to Treat these Health Problems!

Mixing honey and coconut water is a powerful medicine that is mainly used for ayurvedic therapy. In this world now, especially in times of this crisis, we have to find a way to keep ourself safe and boost our immune system. When you drink coconut water and honey, it will enable the body to dispose various damaged cells and thus is tantamount to the treatment of the diseases I'll be listing below: 1. It prevents ageing and refurbishes the body appearance due to the presence of vitamin A and other antioxidants in the mixture. 2. It is a powerful energy booster. Normally, people start their day with coffee, but the effects of coffee on the human body can sometimes be unencouraging. Consuming this natural mixture of coconut water and honey is a healthier choice and it will rapidly boost your energy levels. 3. This drink is the best choice for people having high blood pressure because it improves heart health and reduces hypertension. The heart is the most important organ in the human b